Health Services
Click links below for more health information:
MRSA Parent Information Pamphet (English)
Information on MRSA can be found on the website maintained by The Center for Disease Control
The district is taking every precaution to keep our schools free of this highly drug resistant germ. Having a discussion with your children regarding the need to wash their hands often is also a good idea as well as following the suggestions the CDC have to offer. We will keep you informed of updates we might receive from our local health department.
We have attached parent information brochures we received from the state. They are also being sent home with the students.
English Parent Guide Spanish Parent Guide
Information on MRSA can be found on the website maintained by The Center for Disease Control
The district is taking every precaution to keep our schools free of this highly drug resistant germ. Having a discussion with your children regarding the need to wash their hands often is also a good idea as well as following the suggestions the CDC have to offer. We will keep you informed of updates we might receive from our local health department.
We have attached parent information brochures we received from the state. They are also being sent home with the students.
English Parent Guide Spanish Parent Guide
Yuba County Mobile Dental Clinic
Yuba County Mobile Dental Clinic
The Happy Toothmobile is a mobile dental clinic offering full service dentistry to Yuba County Children!

Health Updates
Health Updates
As the season
changes we will work to keep our site updated with letting you know
when colds and flu are hitting at the schools. In a contained
environment, such as the classroom, children have a tendency to move
the germs to each other, which in turn students bring them home to the
rest of the family.
It is important that when your child is sick and has a fever that they are kept home. If your child has been diagnosed by your family doctor with chicken pox, strep throat, scarlet fever, measles, mumps, German measles, pink eye, whooping cough and head lice please let the school. Many of the diseases just listed are not ones that we see as frequently as in the past. Strep throat, chicken pox and pink eye are ones that are usually seen during a school year. Please visit the section on communicable diseases on our web site to view the other diseases we would like you to notify us of.
We will be adding pages to the Health Services over time that we feel might be of interest to you and your family.
It is important that when your child is sick and has a fever that they are kept home. If your child has been diagnosed by your family doctor with chicken pox, strep throat, scarlet fever, measles, mumps, German measles, pink eye, whooping cough and head lice please let the school. Many of the diseases just listed are not ones that we see as frequently as in the past. Strep throat, chicken pox and pink eye are ones that are usually seen during a school year. Please visit the section on communicable diseases on our web site to view the other diseases we would like you to notify us of.
We will be adding pages to the Health Services over time that we feel might be of interest to you and your family.