Plumas Lake Elementary School District

TK & Kindergarten Registration Opens February 9th.
T/K and K registration information night will be February 6th from 6:00 - 7:00. The informational night will be held at Rio Del Oro Elementary School and will have information on transportation, food services, health services, and how to enroll online. Representatives from Rio and Cobblestone will also be in attendance to answer questions. The informational night is for parents who will be enrolling a new student in T/K or K for the 2024-2025 school year. Online registration for the 2024-2025 school year will open immediately after the meeting.
If you have questions please contact Jason Hofhenke at 743-4428 ext. 743 or email

T/K and K registration information night will be February 6th from 6:00 - 7:00. The informational night will be held at Rio Del Oro Elementary School and will have information on transportation, food services, health services, and how to enroll online. Representatives from Rio and Cobblestone will also be in attendance to answer questions. The informational night is for parents who will be enrolling a new student in T/K or K for the 2024-2025 school year. Online registration for the 2024-2025 school year will open immediately after the meeting.
If you have questions please contact Jason Hofhenke at 743-4428 ext. 743 or email

PLESD has taken the majority of the enrollment process and put it online in order to make registering your child for school more convenient. Follow the steps below to get started and welcome to PLESD!

PLEASE NOTE: TK students must turn 5 between September 2nd and June 2nd.  

1.  Click here for login.

2.  Select the Enroll a New Student Tab

3.  Complete the Online Registration process. 

Once you have submitted your online registration you must turn the following documents in to your school’s office before your registration can be completed. 

1. Copy of birth certificate

2. Certification that all immunizations are up to date

3. Affidavit of Residency Form

4. Health Examination for School Entry Form

5. Oral Health Assessment Form. 

6. Tuberculosis Screening Questionnaire

Kindergarten Readiness Day - Please check back!  Registration Forms Coming Soon
Kindergarten Readiness Day is designed to give your child a chance to interact with other incoming kindergarteners, as well as allow us to assess their strengths and needs. Click on your home school for a registration form.

Transitional Kindergarten age requirements:

Students are eligible for transitional kindergarten if they turn 5 between September 2nd and June 2nd 2024.  

New Student Enrollment Requirements

New Student Enrollment Requirementstitle

Proof of Residency Acceptable Documents

A. ONE of the following:
  1. Monthly Mortgage Payment OR
  2. Valid Lease or Rental Agreement (all pages) OR
  3. Monthly Space Rental Bill (Mobile Home Park)
       No Mortgage: Submit ONE of the following:
  1. Yearly Tax Assessment Post Card
  2. Bi-annual Property Tax Bill

B. ONE of the following original Utility Bills:
  1. Current PG&E bill OR
  2. Current garbage/water bill
* Current bills should not be more than 90 days old.

C. ONE of the following if parent/legal guardian is not property owner or primary renter:
  1. Original paycheck or pay stub issued by employer
  2. Correspondence from government agency (WIC, Medi-Cal, Social Security, Unemployment)
  3. Valid vehicle registration (not pink slip)
  4. Current monthly bills (bank loan, credit card, physician/dental statement, bank statement)
  5. Or to be determined by District Office Representative. District Office has the right to accept alternative forms of proofs of residence on a case by case basis.
Click here for Affidavit of Residency

Proof of Age Requirement

  • Original Birth Certificate (Born in USA)
  • Lost birth certificates can be ordered from the County Recorder’s Office in County of birth.
  • Passport (non-USA birth)
  • Certificate of Live Birth – State Issued

Proof of Immunizations Requirement

  • Polio: Age 4-6: 4 doses, 3 ok if one given after age 4: age 7 and older: 4 doses, 3 ok if one given after age 2.
  • DTAP/DTP/DT: AGE 4-6: 5 doses, 4 ok if one given after age 4. Age 7 and older: 4 doses, 3 ok if one given after age 2.
  • TDAP: 7th grade: 1 dose, must be given after age 7.
  • MMRage 4-6: 2 doses, must be given after age 1. Age 7 and older: 1 dose must be given after age 1. 7th grade: 2 doses must be given after age 1.
  • Hepatitis B: age 4-6: 3 doses
  • Varicella:  2 doses.
*Unless a valid medical or personal beliefs exemption is submitted.

Click here for California State Required K-12 Immunization Requirements
Click here for Parent's Guide to Immunizations Required for School Entry
Click here to view Yuba County Child Health & Disability Prevention Program (CDHP)

Proof of TB Risk Assessment

Required for TK or Knew students, or returning students if traveled outside of Yuba County for 12 months or more. Santa Clara County TB Risk Assessment form must be filled out and signed by medical provider in USA within 12 months of school entry.
If Assessment is positive – medical provider may recommend either one of the following tests which need to be complete before registration:
  • IGRA Blood test results: negative or positive (repeat if test indeterminate)
  • TTD/PPD skin test, which must indicate: 1) Date given, 2) date read, 3) results in mm, 4) positive or negative, 5) Medical Provider’s signature or stamp.

TB Risk Assessment for School Entry Form

TK/Kinder Physical Exam (CHDP)

TK and Kinder Requirement: The Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) exam should be performed by your child’s doctor on or after 6 months prior to first day of school.

New 1st Graders must have a completed CHDP exam on or after 18 months prior to the first day of school.
No Health Insurance? Call 1-800-689-6669 for free CHDP Info.

Click here to download Report of Health Examination for School Entry

TK/Kinder Oral Health Exam

TK-Kinder requirement and 1st Graders with no previous school experience: The Oral Health Exam can be performed by your child’s dentist up to 12 mos. prior to school entry and the completed Oral Health Assessment Form is due to your child’s school no later than the first day of school.

NOTE: Enrollment is not complete without these documents.

Oral Health Assessment Form
Yuba County Denti-Cal Providers 
Additional Information

Additional Information

  • New-Student-Requirements-Google-Docs.pdfNew-Student-Requirements-Google-Docs.pdfNew Student Requirements.pdfNew-Student-Requirements-Google-Docs.pdfNew-Student-Requirements-Google-Docs.pdfEnrollment is completed at your resident/home school as determined by your address. 
  • PO Boxes and business addresses may not be used as your student's residential address. 
  • Additional proofs of residency or forms may be required based on specific living conditions and all documents submitted must be current and valid. 
  • Any required Affidavits must be completed at your home school before enrollment is complete. Your student will be enrolled after completing and submitting online registration and/or after all of the above requirements have been verified at your home school office. 