Plumas Lake Elementary School District

Superintendent's Message

Superintendent's Messagetitle

Dear Plumas Lake Parents and Community,

I am proud to say that I get to work in Plumas Lake. I am lucky to work with wonderful teachers, administrators, and support people. We have made it our goal to become a great school district and to work every day to take a step closer towards that greatness.

It is our belief that we must educate students academically, socially, and emotionally. We know that we must have high expectations for ourselves and for our students. We must build relationships with students and help them understand why they are learning the standards we are teaching. We know that we must look to teach students how to be lifelong learners, problem solve, and work together in teams. There are predictions that over 75% of the jobs that our students will end up having as adults have not yet been created. We cannot teach students the information they will need for their future jobs but we can teach them the skills they will need to learn and work in an ever changing world.

Please feel free to contact teachers, staff, administration and myself with any questions about our district, schools, or your students.


Jeff Roberts Ed.D.


Plumas Lake Elementary

Jeff in a blue shirt and a red tie